To select a museum, click “Details/Reserve”, then select which Pass to reserve.
Zoo New England
1 Franklin Park Road, Boston, MA 02121
Zoo New England operates Franklin Park Zoo, a 72-acre site nestled in Boston’s historic Franklin Park, and the Stone Zoo, located on a 26-acre site near Spot Pond reservoir in Stoneham, MA. In addition to animals, both zoos are engaged in wildlife and conservation programs, research, and education.
Pass Type: Coupon Pass (must be picked up from the branch, but does not require returning)
Pass Benefits
1. Visit Zoo New England website to review visitor requirements and operating hours.
Note: The library pass reservation calendar may not reflect changes to museum open dates and hours of operation. The library pass does not guarantee admission on a chosen date.
2. Reserve Library Pass.
3. Pick up your coupon pass at the Melrose Public Library.
4. Bring library pass to zoo to obtain discount at ticket booth (pass holders do not need to reserve tickets before visiting Zoo).
The library’s pass admits 6 people with a $9 co-pay for adults and $6 for children ages 2 - 12 years, children under 2 are free. Zoos current hours and admission prices. This pass is good at both the Stone Zoo in Stoneham and the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston. No pets are allowed at the Zoos. Zoolights is not discounted with the pass.
LOAN INSTRUCTIONS: This coupon pass does not need to be returned to the library. Any applicable co-pay fees are collected at the Zoo.
Pass funded by the City of Melrose.